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The Co-ordination Committee Of TALOJA CETP CO-OP. SOCIETY LTD. comprises of following three members :-

Satish A. Shetty

Satish Shetty (Anna)

Hon. President

Taloja Industries Association

Rajesh Zanzad

Rajesh Zanzad

Nodal Officer


Shri Madhukar Naik

Shri Madhukar Naik

Managing Director


1st meeting of TECTP Coordination Committee held on 22/11/2018 at MIDC Andheri

  • Several points were discussed like status of empting the tanks and tank cleaning , empting of dry sludge from sludge drying bed and transferring it to MWML, Progress in rectification of existing equipment.

  • Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) specified that the MSEB bill for Oct- 2018 has been paid by TCETP and further bills will be paid by KDC-AQUA(JV).

  • Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) also gave permission to M/s KDC-AQUA (JV) to use office vehicles for vigilance purposes.

  • Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) confirmed that the online instruments sent for rectification will be shortly brought back after required rectification.

  • It was specified in the meeting that paper work for MPCB consent was completed by TCETP however, payments have to made by KDC-AQUA (JV).

  • Mr. Madhukar Naik confirmed that MPCB payment for consent to operate was made on 22nd November 2018.

  • It was also approved that EC work was completed to a large extent by TCETP, however, final paper work , submissions and approvals to be obtained by M/s. KDC-AQUA (JV).

  • Mr. Madhukar Naik announced that the rehabilitation work will start after structural assessment by an independent engineer and after approval from CH2M.

2nd meeting of TCETP coordination committee held on 30/11/2018 at Taloja CETP

  • Mr. Madhukar Naik informed that more than 2000 MT of sludge has been removed from TCETP and has been sent to MWML.

  • Phase 2 tanks assessment by structural engineer was in progression, after assessment, rectification shall take place if any.

  • Drying beds are emptied out and fixation of bed is in progress.

  • Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) requested Shri Rajesh Zanzad to work out charging pattern for the members for Operations & Maintenance as well as CAPEX contribution.

Meeting will be called by M/s ABC Techno Lab with Environment Department for Environment Clearance.

3rd meeting of TCETP coordination committee held on 14/12/2018 at MIDC, Andheri

  • M/s. KDC-AQUA(JV) appointed a structural consultant to review and assess the condition of the existing civil units. Assessment report has been submitted to CH2M.

  • Phase two tanks has been emptied and all tanks except aeration tank, are cleaned.

  • Sludge drying beds have been revamped.

  • Rectification of existing equipment is in progress.

  • Floating aerators made operational in Equalization tank.

  • Continues follow up is being done on consent to operate from MPCB & EC from MOEF.

  • CH2M to provide approvals on priority for the phase 2 equipment and also rectification/ rehabilitation work.

4th meeting of TECTP Coordination Committee held on 07/01/2019 at Taloja CETP

  • Mr. Madhukar Naik expressed beatitude and apprised the co-ordination committee about the progress of the project. He specified that phase two has been emptied and all the tanks are cleaned. He also emphasized that Aeration Tank is cleaned

  • Mr. Madhukar Naik informed that sludge drying beds are revamped. He also mentioned that rehabilitation work has started in civil tanks of phase 2

  • Further Mr. Madhukar Naik said pilot plant is reaching Taloja CETP Co-op Society Ltd on 8th January 2019. He prescribed rectification of existing equipments are done.

  • Mr. Madhukar Naik also said that all floating aerators are made operational in equalization tanks.

  • Mr.Satish Shetty (Anna) requested MIDC to construct training centre as its paramount to have it inside the premises of Taloja CETP to increase efficiency of existing employees and to increase interaction with Member Industries. He also mention that Monitoring Committee formed by NGT also agreed with idea of constructing training centre inside Taloja CETP premises

  • This Training Centre can be of multipurpose like Orientation, Technical Skills Development Training, Training for operation employees, Training for office staff, Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting (EOGM) with member industries, Awareness programs for Member Industries, Interactive and Grievance solving sessions with member industries, Annual General Meeting (AGM) etc. Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) specified that Taloja CETP has identified that space behind Administration office. [Space (21mtrx500mtr)x(11mtrx500mtr)] in totality Area is 249m2

  • In revert to this Mr. Rajesh Zanzad said MIDC will consider the point of building up the training centre and recover the extra amount required through monthly billing from the member industries.

  • Mr. Madhukar Naik mentioned that follow up is being taken in regards to consent to operate from MPCB and Environment Clearanc from MOEF. Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) said the project has to be completed in 13 months started 1st November 2018 due to this Environment Clearance is mandatory to start expansion activity. Mr. Madhukar Naik also mentioned, CH2M will provide approvals on priority for the phase 2 equipments.

  • Mr.Satish Shetty (Anna) specified that in guidance of Monitoring Committee formed by Nation Green Tribunal (NGT) for Taloja CETP, Taloja CETP Co-op Society Ltd has arranged Awareness Program for its member industries on 9th January 2019 from 11am onwards.

5th meeting of TCETP Coordination Committee held on 29/01/2019 at MIDC Andheri at 2 PM

Meeting was called by the coordination committee of Taloja CETP to discuss the issues and progression made in Taloja CETP. Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) brought to the notice of coordinating committee that Taloja CETP had received notice from MPCB, in this regards Mr. Madhukar Naik from M/s KDC-AQUA (JV) will prepare a draft in form of reply and also sent it to Mr. Satish Shetty, Chairman TCETP and Mr. Rajesh Zanzad, Nodal officer of CETP’s.

Mr. Madhukar Naik apprised the co-coordinating committee about the progression done in Taloja CETP. Progression are as follows:-

  1. Phase 2 of Taloja CETP is under rehabilitation.

  2. Mr. Madhukar Naik mentioned that Phase 1 Aeration System is strengthened by closing leakages and by loosening the sludge starta down below. Sludge transferred to bed as beds have been emptied out by disposing the sludge to MWML Dry sludge is being disposed of to MWML

  3. Mr. Madhukar Naik specified that Pilot Plant is commissioned.

  4. He also stated that CH2M has provided with a cabin along with table/ chairs and desktop with internet dongle.

  5. Mr. Madhukar Naik said rectification of required existing equipment done. He also specified all the floating aerators are made operational in equalization tanks.

  6. CH2M on priority to provide approval on phase 2 equipments

  7. Mr. Madhukar Naik mentioned that M/s KDC-AQUA (JV) will be submitting daily reports to Taloja CETP and also simultaneously to MIDC and CH2M

  8. Mr. Madhukar Naik said in connection with vigilance that M/s KDC-AQUA (JV) will complete at least one full cycle of vigilance of all industries in Taloja MIDC

  9. It was requested that MIDC should take action on the Vigilance report submitted to them

  10. Mr. Madhukar Naik informed that Laboratory instruments according to tender have reached Taloja CETP so henceforth there won’t be issue related to analysis

  11. Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) addressed by saying what actions are taken once Vigilance report is generated? it shouldn’t happen that vigilance report are made and submitted to MIDC and further to MPCB for action, MPCB than sends closure notice to respective industries and further after some days those industries are permitted to start the unit. Looking at the situation today, its ideal before permission to restart , MIDC/ Taloja CETP and other operator are taken in confidence by these companies regarding adequate steps taken by these units to adhere MPCB norms or else history is going to repeat itself

  12. Mr Satish Shetty (Anna) requested Mr. Madhukar Naik that the sludge removed by M/s KDC-AQUA (JV) in the month of December 2018, which is kept for drying, if it is dried and there is not much moisture in the sludge then disposing of sludge to MWML should be started immediately.

  13. Mr. Madhukar Naik mentioned to Mr. Rajesh Zanzad and Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) that EC subject is still pending. EC is awaited of expansion project from 22.5MLD to 27.5 MLD. EC is creating obstacles in the way of progression and should be done immediately looking at the situation today where M/s KDC-AQUA (JV) and Taloja CETP are working around the clock just to stabilize the situation in Taloja MIDC area.

  14. Mr. Madhukar Naik enquired with Mr.Satish Shetty regarding latest MPCB consent to operate to which Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) replied saying that he will co-ordinate & follow up with MPCB officers for the same.

Minutes of 7th meeting of TCETP Coordination Committee, held on 29th July, 2019, at MIDC Andheri

  • Mr Madhukar Naik apprised the committee about the progress of the project. He mentioned following details:-
    • Phase two has been rehabilitated and brought in operation
    • Existing submersible pumps are used for transfer
    • Existing floating aerators are used for mixing in collection and equalization tank
    • New blowers / new submersible pumps and mixers are yet to be received for phase II
    • However, these are scheduled to be received at site in August 2019 and will be installed without stopping aeration
    • Primary and secondary clarifiers are brought in operation
    • Diffusers installed in aeration tank along with retrievable assemblies
  • Phase I will be emptied out and taken for rehabilitation in the first week of August tentatively by 6th August 2019

  • M/s. KDC-Aqua (JV) has been submitting daily report to Taloja CETP along with MIDC and CH2M

  • Regarding vigilance M/s KDC-Aqua (JV) to complete at least one full cycle of vigilance of all industries

  • It was requested that MIDC should take action on the vigilance report

  • Dr Carlo, advisor of CH2M, visited site on 26th July and expressed his satisfaction over progress of the work

  • With the help of MIDC ( Shri S B Patil) and ABC Technolab, and KDC Aqua’s follow up, EC for the project got cleared

  • MPCB has kept consent renewal under hold as the outlet parameters are not meeting the norms

  • It was also decided that Taloja CETP should write to MPCB explaining the schedule of the project and stepwise reduction and improvements and how it meet the standards

  • Mr Madhukar Naik informed that the Phase 2 plant of Taloja CETP is in operation. He further said Industries should be informed about this and requested to come for site visit.

  • Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna) said Awareness program will be organized in the first or second week of August, 2019 to enlighten Industries regarding pollution issue.

  • Mr Satish Shetty (Anna) requested MIDC, KDC Aqua & Jacobs that Training is a regular activity for Industries and internal staff. In light of this, facility for Training center needs to be arranged in Taloja CETP premises, which can accommodate 300 people. He added that this should be taken up for consideration & approval.

8th meeting of TECTP Coordination Committee held on 06/08/2018 at MIDC Andheri

  1. Revised date for NGT meeting is 21st August 2019.
  2. Mr Satish Shetty (Anna) felt that NGT committee members should visit site.
  3. Regarding site condition, Mr Satish Shetty (Anna) expressed following concerns--
    • Better approach to all units required dusting the visit.
    • Ladders and staircases to be safe and secured.
    • Complete the handrail work ( civil work part) on aeration tank etc.
    • Put up sign boards for tanks.
    • All working people to ensure helmets and other safety appliances as required.

9th meeting of TECTP Coordination Committee held on 11/11/2018 at MIDC Andheri

  1. Site progress was reviewed.
  2. Phase II is ready and accepting up to 10 MLD effluent.
  3. Phase I is planned to be commissioned before 31st December 2019.
  4. Preferably in second week of December 2019.
  5. Other phase III work also will progress side by side.
  6. Phase II new turbo blowers are installed.
  7. SS header work for phase I aeration is in progress.
  8. Diffusers + retrievable, for phase I aeration tank, are procured and are at site.
  9. V notch wire plates for secondary clarifier is procured and installation of the same will be starting on 12th November 2019.
  10. Primary clarifier of Phase I to be used as it is.
  11. Overall Phase I to start as soon as possible.

MOM of Tenth co-ordination committee meeting held on 25th January 2020

  1. KDC Aqua informed that phase I is commissioned on 31st December 2019.

  2. However, the system is yet to be stabilized.

  3. A letter to this effect has been sent to RO / SRO indicating that plant is under stabilization.

  4. Phase III work is also in progress on aeration tank SS piping system / diffusers / secondary clarifier mechanism etc.

  5. DG set/ transformer and VFD panels have been received at site.

  6. MCC panels are expected in a week's time.

  7. More than 600MT sludge has been disposed of after monsoon (after 4260MT sludge was disposed of during rehabilitation)

  8. Also additional sludge will be disposed of after adequate drying.

  9. It was requested that MIDC should take action on the vigilance report.

  10. Apart from EC, now CETP has received renewal of consent to operate

  11. Mr Satish Shetty (Anna) inquired with Mr Naik about current performance of Taloja CETP. Mr Naik updated that CETP is running very well. Mr Satish Shetty (Anna) remarked that Industries are looking for a possibility of expansion and change of products. Mr Shetty further checked whether Industrial visit can be arranged to Taloja CETP. Mr Naik welcomed the idea and said that Industries can always come and check the work put in. Mr Shetty hence proposed that Committee members of TIA and other Industrialists will visit Taloja CETP in the 1st week of February 2020. Mr Zanzad liked the idea and approved it and said his team will make necessary arrangement to carry out the site visit.

MOM of Eleventh co-ordination committee meeting held on 21st June 2020 via Zoom

  1. I. Mr Naik enlighted the committee about the progress of the project. He also mentioned that Taloja CETP was continuously operating even during lock down
    • Adding to it he specified that totally about 5200 MT of sludge is removed from the time M/s KDC-AQUA (JV) started the operation of Taloja CETP Plant
    • Adding to it he said, Screens have been placed and are in operation
    • Further, after screening, the flow goes through a distribution chamber, from where diverting the flow happens to phase I and phase II , so that control over flow distribution takes place to each phase.
    • Positively he enlightened that, both the phases are under operations after de-sludging and rehabilitation. Also both the phases are working with new equipment resulting into efficient work
    • Moreover, dry sludge is being disposed to MWML.
  2. Mr.Naik said due to COVID 19 outbreak, there was shortage of manpower, many workers had left to their native places and native states leading to shortage in supplies and transportation was affected adversely. Therefore phase III , though completed, could not be commissioned. However, it will be commissioned now.
  3. Pilot plant is well established and is working efficiently.
  4. Mr. Naik mentioned activities which are under progress are as follows :-
    • Changing from existing 1000 KVA electrical system to new 3000 KVA system
    • New load sanctioned by MSEDCL,
    • New panels are installation & cabling is in progress
    • Phase III piping and valves are in process
    • Roads final finishing

Mr Naik positively said thet Phase I and phase II of Taloja CETP are working effeicienly and are completely stabilized. He also specified that M/s KDC-Aqua(JV) has been submitting daily report to MIDC and other authorities.

He mentioned that the vigilance is going on normally and the inlet parameters within the line of design values

Mr Satish Shetty recalls that NGT case hearing is recalled on 30th June 2020, He said affidavit should be include all the progression made in Taloja CETP Plant. Taloja CETP plant is stabilized and is being meeting all he parameters. The operation of the plant is also efficient. New equipment’s are being installed for smooth functioning and results are quite impressive. NGT should consider that even during covid out break , Taloja CETP plant was function without a day off. In committee’s opinion NGT should note all the positive changed happened in Taloja CETP and dismiss the case.

Mr. Naik additional specified following points:-

Present phases requiring rehabilitation : 22.5 MLD

Phase I- 10 MLD

Phase II - 12.5 MLD

Expansion Capacity (Phase III)- 5 MLD

Total Treatment Capacity - 27.5 MLD

    CURRENT STATUS in regards to plant
  • Phase – I having capacity of 12.5 MLD was constructed in 1998-99
  • Phase – II having capacity of 10 MLD was constructed in 2006-2007
  • The phase I and phase II are obviously old and consist of primary andSecondary Treatment along with sludge disposal facility. These phases were designed for COD of 250 mg/l and BOD of 100 mg/lit and hence needed rehabilitation along with replacements with new machinery. This task was successfully completed and both the plants are now working efficiently.
  • Phase- III – Civil Construction and new equipment’s installation has been completed. Commissioning steps are being taken up

Nitrogen removal and BOD <30 mg/lit are introduced in these systems.

    Achievements so far specifically in Taloja CETP Plant are as follows :-
  • Removal of more than 5200 MT sludge thereby reduction in smell
  • Pilot plant stabilized and giving desired results
  • MSEB power sanctioned 3000 KVA
  • Consent from MPCB and EC clearance in place
  • Phase- II–Sludge from all tanks has been removed.
  • Rehabilitation/commissioned completed and it is operational from – 20th July 2019.
  • Phase – I –Sludge from all tanks has been removed and rehabilitation/commissioned completed it is / operation from – 30th December 19.
  • Inlet and Out COD and BOD is achieved as per prescribed limit of MPCB
  • Laboratory established with proper manpower

Mr Naik said, In spite of force majeure situation that is , Heavy rain and floods in 2019, Taloja CETP Plant was working in full swing, however, Corona and lockdown issues in 2020 have hampered the work speed. M/s KDC-AQUA(JV) is trying thier best to recover from this situation

Mr Zanzad appreciated Mr. Satish Shetty for co-ordinating with Industries and Government officers to the best. It helps in speeding work and getting the things done in faster pace. He also appreciated Mr Naik for the non stop dedication even during this pandemic situation. He acknowledged the difficulties faced by Mr Naik and company and appreciated the good work

  1. Phase – I plant is Rehabilitated/commissioned and operational, meeting desired results
  2. Phase – II plant is Rehabilitated /commissioned and operational, meeting desired results
  3. Phase- III Civil and Electro-mechanical work is completed and will be commissioned
  4. Finally, three plants will be in sync, fully automated, controlled by SCADAsystem by October end - 2020
    Approval Status :-
  1. CETP 27.5 MLD: Consent to establish for 5 MLD in possession
  2. EC has been granted by SEIAA 129th Meeting dated 10th May 2019.
  3. Renewal of Consent to operate has been received from MPCB up to 18.11. 2023

Meeting ended on a good note. Everyone appreciated M/s KDC-AQUA(JV) for the brilliant work going on in Taloja CETP. Next co-ordination committee meeting will be announced shortly.

12th meeting of TCETP coordination committee held on 25/12/2020 at Taloja CETP

  1. Mr Naik apprised the committee as follows
    • All phase of the CETP are commissioned and are in operation
    • All units have been brought in operation
    • Roads and drainage have been completed
    • Plantation has been done to a large extent
    • Mr Naik informed that only automation is balance and the work on the same is being done
    • Mr Naik agreed to send copies of the proposed presentation that he would present to NGT monitoring committee
    • Mr Naik also confirmed that online monitoring system at the outlet of the CETP is connected (as the same was affected due to construction work going on at site) after servicing
    • Inlet monitoring is under servicing
    • Mr Naik confirmed that he will apply for consent to operate for additional 5 MLD in the coming week
  2. Mr Zanzad expressed satisfaction at the completion
    He suggested to plant bamboo plants, especially towards south, towards the river side, as this plant retains soil integrity
    He further suggested showing old v/s new photos in the presentation
    And asked to invite the dignitaries for CETP plant visit
  3. Mr SatishShetty (Anna) expressed satisfaction over the project completion.
    Further he suggested changing the roof sheets at lab building (after second floor), it may be corrected and submitted
  4. Mr Naik appreciated the efforts taken by both MrZanzad and Mr SatishShetty (Anna) for coordinating and smooth functioning of CETP andfurther thanked them.
  5. The committee agreed to recommend and hereby recommend MPCB to grant consent for expansion of existing units as the CETP is expanded and its capacity is enhanced.

Meeting was concluded.

Footer Section